I'll organise them under various categories as I come across them.
Please do contact me at hagthornsblog@yahoo.co.uk if you feel there's something I'm missing which should be on this page! Also, please do let me know if you spot any changes which need to be made.
The best source for finding out lots of good things going on in Portsmouth is http://www.strong-island.co.uk/about-strong-island/
Art & Music Venues / Groups
♥ Room 237/The Gold Room https://www.facebook.com/TheGoldRoomSouthsea
♥ Aspex Gallery http://www.aspex.org.uk/
♥ The Lodge Arts Centre http://www.artandsoultraders.com/Home/Default.aspx
♥ The Kings Theatre http://www.kings-southsea.com/
♥ New Theatre Royal http://www.newtheatreroyal.com/
♥ Portsmouth Film Society http://www.portsmouthfilmsociety.org.uk/index.php/news.html
♥ No 6 Arts Cinema http://www.no6cinema.co.uk/default.asp
♥ The Third Floor Arts Centre http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/directory/867.html
♥ The Commontree Arts Collective http://thecommontree.wordpress.com/
♥ The Wedgewood Rooms http://www.wedgewood-rooms.co.uk/
♥ The Cellars at Eastney http://www.thecellars.co.uk/
♥ Portsmouth Guildhall http://www.portsmouthguildhall.org.uk/
♥ Knit Pompey (Yarnbombing, yarnstorming, guerrilla knitting, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art & it's happening here!) https://www.facebook.com/groups/336989576323655/
Local Growing, Crafting & Community
♥ Southsea Greenhouse (community garden co-operative growing, making & selling produce, plants & crafts) http://southseagreenhouse.co.uk/
♥ Portsmouth & Southdowns Handmade Directory https://www.facebook.com/pshandmadedirectory?fref=ts
♥ The Stacey Community Centre (Community orchard, garden & bicycle recycling project)
♥ Landport Community Garden http://www.farmgarden.org.uk/index.php?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm/profile/view&reset=1&id=44019&gid=10
Community, Politics & Campaigns
♥ Portsmouth Against the Cuts Together http://portsmouthact.wordpress.com/
♥ Portsmouth Climate Action Network http://www.portsmouthcan.co.uk/
♥ Solent Feminist Network http://solentfeministnetwork.wordpress.com/
♥ Portsmouth Hollaback (end street harassment) http://portsmouthuk.ihollaback.org/about-hollaback-portsmouth/
♥ Portsmouth White Ribbon Campaign (community group opposing violence against women & holds annual Reclaim The Night March) Tel: 023 9247 9254
♥ Portsmouth Food Bank (Emergency food for local people in crisis) http://portsmouth.foodbank.org.uk/
Lovely Food & drink
♥ Wild Thyme Wholefoods - Coming to Portsmouth in 2014! A worker co-operative, wholefood vegetarian shop with vegan takeaway. https://www.facebook.com/wildthymewholefoodsportsmouth
♥ Southsea Healthfoods - Great little independent health food shop. 241 Albert Road, Southsea, PO4 0JR Tel: 02392 753458
♥ Vegan Cupcakes (based in Gosport) http://www.purelyscrumptious.co.uk/#
♥ The Sellers, CafĂ© at 1 Kent Rd, Southsea, PO5 3EG. Hardly any vegan food (though does a veggie breakfast) but offers soya milk for drinks. Decent price, plenty of space and very child & family friendly. It's so beautifully inclusive that it has a 'Canine Corner' with a water bowl and jar of doggy treats! Lovely views over Southsea Common.
♥ The Garage Lounge - No vegan food and very pricey but I love that they have a huge selection of herb teas in big jars which you can mix and match and they also offer soya milk for hot drinks. Warning - lots of people have reported that it's not so lovely, in fact quite unpleasant, if you have a pushchair or very little people with you, so sadly not recommended for young children & families. No 1 Albert Buildings, Albert Road. Open everyday 7am-11pm so good alternative to a pub.
♥ Bar 56 - 56 Albert Rd. Fairly priced and they kindly offer upstairs room free for meetings.
♥ Southsea Coffee Co, Cafe. It's lovely and relaxing with friendly people. Usually do at least one vegan cake, also provide soya milk for hot drinks. http://southseacoffee.tumblr.com/
♥ Pie & Vinyl, Cafe, record shop. Sells pies and cakes (including vegan & gluten-free cakes by the local Sweetie Pie vegan bakery http://www.pieandvinyl.co.uk/
♥ Sweetie pie Gluten-free & Vegan Bakery https://www.facebook.com/sweetiepiesouthsea?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
Pregnancy, birth, babies, kids & parents
♥ Solent Feminist Parents (a group for feminist and alternative parents and carers living in the Solent area. The group is a place to discuss all those frustrations of being a feminist parent in our society.
Ideally the group will eventually organise child friendly meet ups and socials. Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_108608139221463
♥ Portsmouth Positive Birth Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/portsmouthnaturalandhomebirth/
(Welcoming all pregnant women, birth supporters, maternity professionals, those offering services that support & promote positive pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding & motherhood)
♥ Pregnancy & post natal yoga, yoga for children & adults www.portsmouthyoga.co.uk
♥ Southsea Slings (worker's co-operative selling and giving info on slings & runs a baby sling library) http://www.southseaslings.co.uk/index.html
♥ Portsmouth Breastfeeding (page with lots of information on groups & support in Portsmouth https://www.facebook.com/groups/221531167905174/
♥ La Leche League 24 hr telephone breastfeeding support helpline: 08451202918
There's a Portsmouth La Leche League group which meets up monthly at The Havelock Centre. For more info. about this ring 07944 123620 (Please note, this number is for local group info only and not for general breastfeeding advice)
Home Education Groups
I home educate my son and these local groups have provided some lovely support, educational & social activities.
♥ Portsmouth Home Education group http://portsmouthhe.webs.com/
♥ ActivEO - the website is currently being redeveloped but if you want any info. contact me at hagthornsblog@yahoo.co.uk
♥ Portsmouth Home Educated Youth (Over 10's group) - great monthly social group with pool, table tennis etc.
♥ Faregos - Fareham & Gosport based http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FareGosHE/
Animal Rescue (Rescue don't buy!)
♥ Healing Hearts Animal Rescue http://www.helping-hearts.co.uk/who-are-helping-hearts.php
Physical & Mental Wellbeing
♥ Medical Herbalist, herbs & worshops. I'm including this one as I use herbs a lot in my family's healthcare and it's good to know it's possible to buy a wide variety of loose herbs locally, but I don't have any direct experience of the practitioner. http://www.buddsherbalmedicine.co.uk/ It's also possible to get herbal tinctures and other natural medicines etc from Southsea Healthfoods (see above).
♥ Survivors Of Bereavement by Suicide - Support group for people who have lost someone to suicide. This has been a helpful group for me in Portsmouth. We meet up monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.30-9pm. For info about the local group ring Susan on 07766 274069 Please note - this number is for local group information only. If you need bereavement support, please ring the National Helpline number: 0844 561 6855. http://www.uk-sobs.org.uk/index.htm
♥ Aurora New Dawn (offers safety, support, advocacy and empowerment to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence) Helpline: 02392 479254 http://www.aurorand.org.uk/
♥ Portsmouth Rape Counselling Service http://www.parcs.org.uk/
♥ Portsmouth Women's Refuge Service http://www.womensaid.org.uk/azrefuges.asp?ref=8186
♥ The Friendship Centre ("Our centre is a place where people from all cultural backgrounds can meet to learn about others, share beliefs and celebrate diversity. Throughout the year we organise many different projects and events for the whole community to get involved with"). http://www.friendshipcentre.co.uk/landing.asp?id=620
♥ http://www.meetup.com/ This is great for linking up with local people in Portsmouth and surrounding areas for sharing interests and activities. I go along to monthly sketching and photography groups which I found through this.
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